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Knowledge Base : colours
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Customisation and variations
A selection of Photos of what we've done "for real" with humbuckers over the years Black Traditional with Black poles and a black plat
Bode plots - pickups in detail
Swap Graphs? Pickup #1 Humbucker Single Coil Telecaster P90 Offets Bass Other Bourbon City Classic 50s D
Single Coil Magnets
Pair of TB754S single coils heading out today - a pickup we designed donkeys years ago, but never actually went into recording (but the clips are up on site now, so as you can imagine, they've starte
Humbucker Standardisation
I've another boring one i've been hankering to get off my chest - humbucker "logic"! One of those weird things that actually has been really well standardised since day one, back in the 50s (... sort
Humbucker Covers - In Detail
Covers - In Detail Explained This article goes into a little more depth on the topic of covers, and, whilst the overview is, really, in relation to “Th