The grand-daddy of all Saddles, and for most folks, unparalleled when it comes to tone when you’re talking Tele®! Full sized brass barrels, slot head height screws, just beautiful bits of kit.
We may have been overly harsh on the Smooth saddles if you’ve read through the write ups on the other saddles, and whilst everything we’ve alluded to is true – the strings will move about a little on the saddle, they won’t really intonate accurate – but we always say here at Axesrus® “The limitations and flaws of a guitar will ultimately have an impact on how you play them” – and its never been truer then with the Telecaster®! Its these little flaws that make it what it is, and if you’re faithfully re-creating an original 50s model, you want those little niggles in there to really help shape not only your tone, but also your playing style.